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Sunday March 06, 2005:  2:16PM

I just wanted to point out that I jumped to the #10 spot on the Psychedelic Pop charts!  (I'm number 26 on the Psychedelic/Garage charts, and a whopping #519 on the Rock/Pop charts) Yep, I had 58 downloads last week!  That's not exactly a huge number, but at least more people heard my music, which is the important thing.

Oh, and what's that song playing in the background?  (You can't hear it.)  Could it be the next track to "Morningstar?"  I think will also be on the twelve compilation.  I'll probably get it uploaded sometime soon...I have to figure out which song to erase.

In website news, I changed the reviews section.  Rather than reviewing things, I'm just going to post people's reviews of me.  Hey, deal with it. ^_^

Friday, March 04, 2005:  11:01PM

Ok, some more Redcat news:  I just recieved word that I have been selected to be on the twelve compilation CD, due out later this year, along with Blue Collar PA and 1215 (AKA DJ Catatonic), as well as some other bands yet to be slated. Twelvefifteen (the website) is known for its wolf porn, interesting links section, and hilairious pictures (kind of like with slightly less death, more music, and better porn links).  So what do I get out of it?  Well, I finally get to be on a real CD, as opposed to just a CD-R that I burned and gave to everyone I knew, and I get to be on a CD with 19 other bands who will give thier copies to other people, who in turn may just find yours truly and his bizarre rantings online, which may lead to me finally getting commited, or land me that sweet job writing porno music.  Whatever.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005:  2:01PM

I just wanted everyone to know that I made the "featured artist" list at, at least in the Psychedelic Pop genre.  I don't think I'm an editor's pick or anything, but at least it's something to brag about.  I'm still not getting paid, however.  But hey, it's a start.  Of, course, there's not that many artists in that genre, so it may be just by default, or some random selection.  Perhaps when the download results come in next week, I can see if that helps at all.  Five people downloaded "the Ballad of Dimension B," at least.

Oh, by the way,  I see freeservers has turned the ads on.  Sorry about that.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005:  1:30AM

Finally!  My page at has been updated!  More songs are now avaliable, including the spankin' new single, "Things Sound Better with You."  Other than that, I'm working on the reviews section and getting more images for the gallery.  That's it, no rantings today.  It's too damn late for that.  As the Japanese say, "Watashi wa kusoshitenero ikimasen."  And if you don't understand that, I don't care.  Piece!

Thursday, February 24, 2005:  1:14 AM

Man.  Just when I thought the intetnet couldn't possibly get any more strange, I stumble across the home page of Masturbate for Peace.  I thought it was a joke, but's for real.  Seriously.  Cranking it for peace.  They have slogans like "Touch your sack, not Iraq" and "I cum in peace."  I'm not kidding.  Scope it for yourself.

In other news, I took the time to check out a local band called Outlit on Saturday, and I must say I was impressed with their Tool-meets-Chevelle sound.  They were playing as part of the Chicago competition for the Emergenza music festival , along with other local acts Luster, Lifelike Violence, Joynt Chiefz, The Pawnstars, Twelve Ax 2, and Absolute Zero.  I don't remember hearing Joynt Chiefz, although I did come late, and there was a band that dropped out. 

Out of the bands that I do remember (damn Heineken), only Luster came close to topping Outlit in terms of musical skill.  Of course, it's all a matter of personal taste, whether you want a hard sound or the current rock sound that's been floating around these days with Modest Mouse and their ilk.

The Chicago finals are held June 25 at the Metro, so hopefully Outlit can make it to that round.  The grand final is held in Germany...

Anyway, I had a good time, and one of the band members from Luster bought me a drink.  I did have to sit through some pretty boring punk rock, however.  I guess you can't have everything.

As a side note, there's also a San Francisco band called Luster, but I don't think it's the same one, considering the SF band has a female vocalist, and the Chi one has a dude singing. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2005:  10:33 PM:  Rest in Peace,  Hunter S. Thompson

During the trial of Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate asks Jesus if he is King of the Jews.  Jesus, always cool and calm under pressure, replies, "My kingdom is no part of this world."  Pilate then asks, "Then you are a king?" 

To which Jesus replies, "You say that I am a king.  I came into this world to testify the truth."

"What is truth?" asks Pilate.

This is the ultimate question.  If you want a really detailed explanation of what truth is, you can visit and read up on the philosophical aspect of the subject.  But Aristotle probably hit the nail on the head when he said,  "
To say of what is, that it is, or of what is not, that it is not, is true."  

For example, say a person cheats on his wife.  Until she finds out about it, in her reality, the husband is faithful.  Or in the reverse, is someone tells her her husband is cheating, even if he is not, if she believes it, it becomes true.  Perception is reality.  Anything can be true if you believe it to be.  If you say that I am a seven foot tall black man with bulging muscles and a Hummer, then I am, just as Pilate said that Jesus Christ was a king.

Dr. Thompson wrote the truth.  It doesn't matter whether or not he actually drove a rented Cadillac through Nevada with a suitcase full of drugs, because it's true.  Whether bashing the Bush regime more skillfully than Michael Moore could ever dream of, covering the Super Bowl, or just being "an elderly dope fiend living in the wilderness," he always spouted truth.

Rappers call this "keeping it real."  I call it honest journalism.

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." --
Hunter S. Thompson, Gonzo Journalist.  1937 - 2005

Recommended reading:
"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,"  "the Rum Diaries," "Kingdom of Fear."  Go ahead and take advantage of's sale. 

Friday, February 18, 2005:  1:52 AM

Editing, editing.  This site went through three name changes before I finally decided on "Dimension B Online."  There's a story behind Dimension B, and it's the same story that is behind the song, "the Ballad of Dimension B." 

The song came about one day while I was employed at J&L Oil in Ottawa, IL.  I worked the midnight shift, and I had purchased a sugarcube from a girl I worked with.  I can't remember if I went to work that night, but I ended up at my house, watching the movie "Videodrome" with the sound off, trying to create a soundtrack to the movie on my keyboard. 

I got to the part where James Woods (no relation) first pops in the tape, with Professor O'blivion casually talking about "the battle for the mind of North America," when I came up with the opening synth line for the song.  The rest of the song came soon after, and it was then when I discovered I needed a smoke.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find my cigarettes.  I looked around, smoked a joint, and left the music playing.  While walking upstairs, I sang out the line:  "Where are my smokes?  Where can they be?  Somewhere in the middle of...dimension B." 

So yes, "Dimension B" is a euphemism for tripping.  Actually, a good number of my songs deal with drugs:  "Psychedelic Whore" is about acid,  "Cloud Transmission 9" is about X,   "Chaos Effect" is about acid, and so are "Astral Projection" and "Altered State."  "Skrew," on the other hand, was written while under the influence of Ny-Quil, and a great deal more were written while stoned.  Yes, I make drug music.  I say, sell what you know, and I know drugs. 

I took a lot of drugs while writing "Acidic."  That was the period when I was eighteen, my Mom was living out of state, and my Dad had a bunch of coke and weed stashed away in his bedroom, to say nothing of the mushrooms and LSD that I got for myself.  Oh, and free beer from work.  Good times.  Rerun and all that.

Nowadays, I have to be a little more discriminatory.  I still smoke a little herb now and then, but I don't have the time nor the energy to set aside for drugs like acid and X.   I don't even have the six hours needed for a mild mushroom buzz.  But back in the day, I could eat a couple hits of acid and be just fine.  Most of the time, people had no idea I was tripping, unless I told them. 

But enough bitching like a cynical old man.  I'll leave the hallucinogens to the sixteen-year-olds who can find every drug imaginable except good weed.  Yeah, I went through that too.  Why do you think I did so much acid?  I really wanted some weed, but all there was was all this LSD everywhere.  So, I took it.  I'm not proud.  Or tired.  But...But...Butt Fuckerson.  I'll get to him another time.  He's always in the house.

Thursday, February 17, 2005: 10:36 AM

‘Sup, bitches! This page marks my return to the Internet! I’ve got a whole bunch of crap for you to peruse, so feel free to sit back, relax, and take a load off! Leave a dump if you have to! After all, you’re not really taking it anywhere.

maria as a freshman<--- Who’s this chick? Why, it’s none other than WWE Diva and reality TV whore, Maria Kanellis! That’s right, it’s her. I went to school with her. I didn’t exactly know her, but from what I’ve heard, she’s a real bitch! So, to boost my web page hits, I’ve included this awesome picture of her as a freshman in high school, along with this phrase:  "Hot teen anal action Britney Spears."  Like an action figure. 

©wwe entertainmentYou probably know her more as the woman in the picture to the right, just a common piece of eye candy, ready to be doused in fluids at a moment’s notice. Has anything really changed?  Well, the split ends and bushy eyebrows have, that's for damn sure.  Shame, too...there were lots of better looking women in that school.

Hell, I went to school with a bunch of famous people, like professional game reviewer Fran Mirabella, professional snowboarder Jim Wilson, and uh...convicted drug dealer Richard Young! Yes! I am freaking awesome!  I also went to school with a TV screenwriter, but I can’t remember his name. I doubt he’s famous, anyway.  Yes, I know some famous people.  I saw the members of Good Charlotte at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Grand Forks once, but as I was going up to say hi to them, I realized that:  a) I didn't like their music, and b) if they weren't famous, I'd never go and talk to them anyway.  Then, they did a karaoke version of New Kids on the Block's "Step by Step," and I lost all respect for them.  No punk band should even know the tune to that song, much less the words.  No looking at the screen for them, no sir.

So, once again, I'm rambling.  But hey, so what.  It's not like anyone is going to read this anyway.  Besides, blogs are so hot right now, they were even featured on CNN!  What do you think of that?  Doesn't it make you want to go out and get a Brazilian wax?  Jesus, I hope not.

Click away, you sons of bitches!  Click, damn you!  And until next time, remember, when your girl's osamulating, keep your terrorists away from her spider hole, or you may just end up with a unilateral situation on your hands.  Peace.
